Your Online Presence
Working within your budget and requirements, Dakota Street Design can help you build your new website with fresh copywriting, photography and design.
Should all websites look alike?
By no means. Dakota Street Design doesn't advocate a particular "style." Your website will reflect your personality as an artist or your brand as an organization. At the same time, you'll will present the most important information your site visitors need in a way that's easy to access.
Clear, obvious structure is the tool that makes your site easy to navigate.
Straight-forward colors, typefaces and layout are the hallmarks of professional online presence that convey credibility to your site visitors.

Responsive Design
Most people are using smart phones and tablets to access the the web. Your site will be built on a platform that offers responsive design, automatically re-sizing itself for small screens, easy scrolling, and intuitive navigation This site is responsive – try re-sizing it in your browser.
Some clients already have most of the information they need online, but the site suffers from that "ca. 2007" look. Their sites need to be re-purposed with new graphics and navigation and, in many cases, migrated to a content-managed system so future maintenance will be a breeze.
Whose site is it, anyway?
It's your site. We believe the client should always be directly responsible for domain name registration and hosting fees. The client should have a record of all logins and passwords. We'll help you set up domain name registration and hosting, but the invoices will go directly to you. That way you'll always have control of your site, and if you want to work with a different company you'll be free to do so.