I've been working with private clients for just about 10 years now, and that means that the sites I created 10 years ago are beginning to look a bit stale. For some, the biggest issue is that the older sites are not built on responsive design systems. Responsive has become the order of the day.
Monitors have changed too. You probably don't remember this, but once upon a time, most monitors were less than 800 px wide. It was a big deal if you built a website that was too wide, because your site visitors would have to scroll sideways to view the whole display - a terrible faux pas.
So it is with a hint of nostalgia that I bid farewell to Bolcom and Morris and William Bolcom's old websites - sites I built for them myself. We built them in 2007. The layout was a screen-grabbing 800 pixels wide, flush left. The deck across the top was a scant 75 pixels high. Nowadays on my 27" iMac that leaves a lot of landscape to spare!
Here's a sneak peek at the new website for William Bolcom & Joan Morris. Go visit it in person at www.bolcomandmorris.com. We've also re-launched William Bolcom's composer site. It's at www.williambolcom.com.